2212 - Geological and mineral technologists and technicians

NOC Skill Level B
Alternatives titles
  • Seismic survey co-ordinator
  • Seismic exploration line crew co-ordinator
  • Mud man - petroleum drilling
  • Mud woman - petroleum drilling
  • Petroleum engineering technician
  • Mining engineering technician
  • Technician, mining engineering
  • Mining engineering technologist
  • Technologist, mining engineering
  • Mining technologist
  • Technologist, mining
  • Seismic exploration observer
  • Seismic prospecting observer
  • Technician, petroleum engineering
  • Palynology technician
  • Technologist, mineralogy
  • Technologist, mine survey
  • Oil geology technologist
  • Petroleum geology technologist
  • Paleontology technician
  • Mining survey technologist
  • Precious metal assayer
  • Mine production technician
  • Technician, mine production
  • Mining survey technician
  • Technician, mine survey
  • Mineral technician
  • Mine survey technologist
  • Mineralogy technologist
  • Technologist, oil geology
  • Technologist, mining survey
  • Mine survey technician
  • Mineralogy technician
  • Technician, mineralogy
  • Mineral technologist
  • Technician, mining survey
  • Petroleum engineering technologist
  • Sea-bottom technologist
  • Sea-floor technologist
  • Ore technologist
  • Assayer, precious metals
  • Seismic technician
  • Log analyst
  • Technologist, petroleum engineering
  • Technician, mining
  • Seismology technician - petroleum geology
  • Geophysical prospecting technologist
  • Geophysical technician
  • Geophysical technologist
  • Technologist, mine development
  • Drilling fluid technician
  • Petroleum technician
  • Seismometer technician
  • Petrology technician
  • Technician, petrology
  • Physical metallurgy technician
  • Physical metallurgy technologist
  • Prospector
  • Reservoir engineering technician
  • Technician, soil science - mining
  • Rock mechanics technician
  • Soil science technician - mining
  • Seismology technologist - petroleum geology
  • Technologist, welding
  • Welding technologist
  • Welding technician, mining
  • Mining technician
  • Technologist, petroleum geology
  • Technician, reservoir engineering
  • Geological engineering technician
  • Geophysical survey technician
  • Geophysical observer
  • Geophysical equipment operator, airborne
  • Geology technical assistant
  • Geological technologist
  • Geological technician
  • Technician, geological survey
  • Geological survey technician
  • Geological prospecting technologist
  • Technologist, geological engineering
  • Technician, geophysical survey
  • Technician, geological engineering
  • Assayer
  • Foundry laboratory technician
  • Petroleum field technologist
  • Mud man/woman - petroleum drilling
  • Diamond drilling technician
  • Technician, geophysical data
  • Geophysical data technician
  • Metallurgical control analyst
  • Assayer - mineralogy
  • Mine development technologist
  • Mine analyst
  • Geophysical survey technologist
  • Geological engineering technologist
  • Technologist, metallurgical engineering
  • Analyst, mines
  • Assayer, gold
  • Laboratory technician - metallurgy
  • Metallurgical engineering technologist
  • Technician, metallurgical engineering
  • Metallurgical engineering technician
  • Technologist, marine geoscience
  • Marine geoscience technologist
  • Magnetic observer
  • Technician, logs
  • Log technician
  • Technician, hydrology
  • Technologist, groundwater
  • Hydrology technician
  • Gold prospector
  • Metallurgical technologist
  • Gravity data technician
  • Groundwater technologist
  • Prospector, gold
  • Heat treat technician
  • Hydrographic survey technician
  • Gold assayer
  • Hydrographic survey technologist
  • Technologist, hydrographic survey
  • Hydrological technician
  • Technician, gravity data


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