Eligible programs
Alternatives titles
- Paraeducator
- Paraprofessional educator
- Student support assistant
- Instructional assistant - primary and secondary school
- Homework assistant
- Educational assistant
- Special needs educational assistant
- Student monitor
- Classroom assistant - primary and secondary school
- Assistant, secondary school teacher's
- Child care attendant - elementary school
- Educational resources assistant
- Lunchroom supervisor - school
- Helper, teacher's
- Assistant, educational
- Teacher's helper
- Aide, teacher's
- Assistant, teacher's
- Teacher's aide
- Teacher's assistant
- Attendant, child care - elementary school
- Program assistant, education
- Special education assistant
- School lunchroom supervisor
- Elementary school teacher's assistant
- Elementary school teacher's aide
- Special programs aide - education
- Remedial education aide
- Aide, remedial education
- Teaching staff assistant, primary and secondary school
- Assistant, special education
- Secondary school teacher's assistant
- Secondary school teacher's aide
- Lunchtime supervisor - primary and secondary school