5121 - Authors and writers

NOC Skill Level A
Alternatives titles
  • Teleplay writer, screenwriter
  • Medical writer
  • Writer, speeches
  • Playwright
  • Poet
  • Radio writer
  • Designer and script writer
  • Rewriter
  • Speech writer
  • Writer, self-instruction manuals
  • Specifications writer
  • Programmed-instruction writer
  • Screen writer
  • Scientific writer
  • Writer, advertising
  • Dubbing dialogue writer
  • Fiction writer
  • Short story writer
  • Specifications writer (except construction)
  • Literary writer
  • Game, cd-rom or web critic
  • Lexicographer
  • Humorist-author
  • Writer, handbooks
  • Manual writer
  • Handbook writer
  • Advertising writer
  • Novelist
  • Ad writer
  • Feature writer
  • Essayist
  • Crossword puzzle maker
  • Copywriter
  • Biographer
  • Author
  • Advertising copywriter
  • Publicity writer
  • Writer, short stories
  • Writer, fiction
  • Self-instruction manual writer
  • Technical writer - chemical processing
  • Script and dialogue writer
  • Standards writer
  • Multimedia author
  • On-line reference developer
  • Storyboarder
  • Writer, interactive media
  • New media writer
  • Writer, new media
  • Multimedia writer
  • Technical writer - electronics equipment
  • Serial story writer
  • Ghost writer
  • Writer
  • Television writer
  • Technical writer
  • Sports writer - novels and books
  • Serial writer
  • Script writer
  • Dialogue writer
  • Help file developer
  • Support materials writer
  • Multimedia script writer
  • Writer, multimedia
  • Technical writer - aeronautics
  • Technical writer - pharmaceutical industry
  • Interactive media writer


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