Eligible programs
Alternatives titles
- Private branch exchange (pbx) installer
- Mobile radio installer
- Telephone and teleprinter installer-repairer
- Tester, telephone relays
- Telephone relay tester
- Tester, telecommunication lines
- Installation and repair technician - telecommunications
- Toll tester, telephone exchange
- Communication electrician - network craft
- Telecommunication line tester
- Communications electrician - telecommunications
- Facilities wirer - telecommunications
- Relay adjuster - telecommunications
- Combination man/woman - telecommunications
- Electronic communications technician
- Central office repairer - telecommunications
- Charging equipment attendant - telecommunications
- Toll telephone exchange tester
- Satellite receiving equipment installer
- Terminal and repeater tester - telecommunications
- Tester, telephone exchange
- Terminal and repeater tester
- Tester, terminal and repeater
- Tester, transmission - telecommunications
- Transmission tester - telecommunications
- Toll equipment man/woman - telecommunications
- Toll switchman/woman - telecommunications
- Repairer, teletypewriters (tty)
- Tester, toll telephone central office
- Telephone exchange tester
- Telecommunication equipment tester and regulator
- Rural telephone maintainer
- Mobile radiotelephone installer
- Installer, satellite receivers
- Repairer, teleprinters
- Pbx (private branch exchange) and pabx (private automatic branch exchange) installer and repairer - telecommunications
- Private branch exchange (pbx) and private automatic branch exchange (pabx) installer and repairer - telecommunications
- Business telephone equipment maintainer
- Telephone toll central office tester
- Telephone technician - telecommunications
- Satellite receiver installer
- Tty (teletypewriter) repairer
- Tester and regulator, telecommunications equipment
- Teleprinter repairer
- Teletypewriter (tty) repairer
- Switched network repairer
- Apprentice communication electrician - switching
- Repeater installer - telecommunications
- Apprentice, communication electrician - network craft
- Central office equipment installer - telecommunications
- Central office equipment inspector - telecommunications
- Cellular telephone technician
- Cellular telephone installer
- Cellular phone installer
- Cable station tester - telecommunications
- Business telephone equipment installer and repairer
- Private branch exchange (pbx) repairer - telecommunications
- Apprentice telephone switchman/woman
- Repairer, switch network
- Apprentice electrician - telecommunications equipment
- Service inspector - telecommunications
- Private branch exchange (pbx) and private automatic branch exchange (pabx) repairer - telecommunications
- Racker - telecommunications
- Radiotelephone installer and repairer
- Regulator and tester - telecommunications
- Relay tester - telecommunications
- Repairer - telecommunications
- Branch exchange repairer - telecommunications
- Telephone traffic inspector
- Wirer - telecommunications
- Telephone installer
- Telephone repairer
- Telephone servicer
- Telephone shop repairer
- Installer, teletypewriters (tty)
- Telephone equipment tester
- Installer, teleprinters
- Telephone equipment installer and repairer
- Telephone tester
- Telephone technician
- Telephone system relay adjuster
- Telephone switchman/woman
- Telephone switchboard installer and repairer
- Telephone station repairer
- Installer, teletypewriter (tty) - telecommunications
- Switchman/woman - telecommunications
- Wireman/woman - telecommunications
- Central office equipment maintainer - telecommunications
- Service centre technician - telecommunications
- Districtman/woman - telecommunications
- Shop repairer - telecommunications
- Special services technician - telecommunications
- Telephone facilities evaluator
- Switch network installer and repairer
- Repeater tester and adjuster - telecommunications
- Technician, telecommunications
- Telecommunications technician
- Telecommunications equipment inspector
- Telecommunications equipment installer
- Telecommunications equipment technician
- Telecommunications service tester
- Switch network installer and repairer - telecommunications
- Mobile radio technician - telecommunications
- Exchange tester - telecommunications
- Facilities man/woman - telecommunications
- Facsimile equipment installer
- Frame wirer - telephone
- Wirer, frame - telephone
- Frameman/woman - telecommunications
- Telephone central office distribution frame maintainer
- Telephone exchange distribution frame maintainer
- Installer - telecommunications
- Installer, switch network
- Switched networks installer
- Line and station installer, telephone
- Telephone exchange repairer - telecommunications
- Mobile radio installer - telecommunications
- Exchange installer and repairer - telecommunications
- Operator, test desk - telecommunications
- Test desk operator - telecommunications
- Inspector, private branch exchange (pbx) - telecommunications
- Pbx (private branch exchange) and pabx (private automatic branch exchange) inspector - telecommunications
- Pbx (private branch exchange) inspector - telecommunications
- Private branch exchange (pbx) and private automatic branch exchange (pabx) inspector - telecommunications
- Private branch exchange (pbx) inspector - telecommunications
- Pbx (private branch exchange) and pabx (private automatic branch exchange) installer - telecommunications
- Private branch exchange (pbx) and private automatic branch exchange (pabx) installer - telecommunications
- Private branch exchange (pbx) installer - telecommunications
- Pbx (private branch exchange) and pabx (private automatic branch exchange) repairer - telecommunications
- Pbx (private branch exchange) repairer - telecommunications
- Telephone line and station installer
- Complaint service technician - telecommunications
- Central office frame servicer - telecommunications
- Central office technician - telecommunications
- Electrician, switched communications
- Switched communication electrician
- Electrician, telephone communications
- Telephone communication electrician
- Electrician, toll communications
- Toll communication electrician
- Communication systems technician
- Communication technician, telephone
- Technician, telephone communications
- Telephone central office repairer - telecommunications
- Exchange tester
- Telephone station installer
- Central office tester - telecommunications
- Electrician, telecommunications equipment
- Telecommunications equipment electrician
- Installer, tty (teletypewriter) - telecommunications
- Teleprinter installer
- Teleprinter installer - telecommunications
- Teletype installer - telecommunications
- Teletypewriter (tty) installer
- Teletypewriter (tty) installer - telecommunications
- Tty (teletypewriter) installer
- Tty (teletypewriter) installer - telecommunications
- Teletype repairer - telecommunications
- Equipment installer and repairer - telecommunications
- Central office equipment repairer - telecommunications
- Repairwoman, teletypewriters (tty)
- Toll switchman - telecommunications
- Toll switchwoman - telecommunications
- Pbx (private branch exchange) and pabx (private automatic branch exchange) installer and repairman - telecommunications
- Pbx (private branch exchange) and pabx (private automatic branch exchange) installer and repairwoman - telecommunications
- Private branch exchange (pbx) and private automatic branch exchange (pabx) installer and repairman - telecommunications
- Private branch exchange (pbx) and private automatic branch exchange (pabx) installer and repairwoman - telecommunications
- Repairman, teleprinters
- Telephone and teleprinter installer-repairwoman
- Repairman, teletypewriters (tty)
- Repairman - telecommunications
- Teleprinter repairman
- Teleprinter repairwoman
- Teletypewriter (tty) repairman
- Teletypewriter (tty) repairwoman
- Tty (teletypewriter) repairman
- Tty (teletypewriter) repairwoman
- Telephone shop repairman
- Repairwoman, teleprinters
- Shop repairman - telecommunications
- Telephone repairwoman
- Telephone repairman
- Telephone equipment installer and repairwoman
- Switchman - telecommunications
- Switch network installer and repairwoman
- Switch network installer and repairman
- Switch network installer and repairwoman - telecommunications
- Toll equipment woman - telecommunications
- Shop repairwoman - telecommunications
- Toll equipment man - telecommunications
- Wirewoman - telecommunications
- Wireman - telecommunications
- Switched network repairwoman
- Switched network repairman
- Repairman, switch network
- Repairwoman, switch network
- Repairwoman - telecommunications
- Combination woman - telecommunications
- Switch network installer and repairman - telecommunications
- Central office equipment repairwoman - telecommunications
- Equipment installer and repairman - telecommunications
- Districtman - telecommunications
- Districtwoman - telecommunications
- Telephone exchange repairwoman - telecommunications
- Telephone exchange repairman - telecommunications
- Telephone central office repairwoman - telecommunications
- Telephone central office repairman - telecommunications
- Telephone and teleprinter installer-repairman
- Central office frame serviceman - telecommunications
- Exchange installer and repairwoman - telecommunications
- Central office equipment repairman - telecommunications
- Business telephone equipment installer and repairwoman
- Business telephone equipment installer and repairman
- Branch exchange repairwoman - telecommunications
- Branch exchange repairman - telecommunications
- Apprentice telephone switchman
- Apprentice telephone switchwoman
- Central office frame servicewoman - telecommunications
- Pbx (private branch exchange) repairwoman - telecommunications
- Combination man - telecommunications
- Central office repairman - telecommunications
- Central office repairwoman - telecommunications
- Radiotelephone installer and repairwoman
- Radiotelephone installer and repairman
- Private branch exchange (pbx) repairwoman - telecommunications
- Private branch exchange (pbx) repairman - telecommunications
- Equipment installer and repairwoman - telecommunications
- Private branch exchange (pbx) and private automatic branch exchange (pabx) repairman - telecommunications
- Exchange installer and repairman - telecommunications
- Pbx (private branch exchange) repairman - telecommunications
- Pbx (private branch exchange) and pabx (private automatic branch exchange) repairwoman - telecommunications
- Pbx (private branch exchange) and pabx (private automatic branch exchange) repairman - telecommunications
- Frameman - telecommunications
- Framewoman - telecommunications
- Facilities man - telecommunications
- Facilities woman - telecommunications
- Telephone equipment installer and repairman
- Private branch exchange (pbx) and private automatic branch exchange (pabx) repairwoman - telecommunications
- Telephone switchwoman
- Switchwoman - telecommunications
- Telephone shop repairwoman
- Teletype repairwoman - telecommunications
- Teletype repairman - telecommunications
- Telephone switchman
- Telephone switchboard installer and repairwoman
- Telephone switchboard installer and repairman
- Telephone station repairwoman
- Telephone station repairman