Eligible programs
Alternatives titles
- Juke box mechanic
- Boat propeller repairwoman
- Repairer, stringed instruments
- Repairman, stringed instruments
- Repairwoman, stringed instruments
- Stringed instrument repairer
- Stringed instrument repairman
- Stringed instrument repairwoman
- Mechanic, bicycles
- Vending machine repairman
- Vending machine repairwoman
- Pneumatic unit tester and repairer
- Pneumatic unit tester and repairman
- Pneumatic unit tester and repairwoman
- Calibrator, pressure controllers
- Domestic sewing machine mechanic
- Bicycle mechanic
- Boat propeller repairman
- Mechanic, vending machines
- Vending machine mechanic
- Repairer, surveying and optical instruments
- Mechanic, juke boxes
- Percussion instrument repairer
- Mechanic, domestic sewing machine
- Sewing machine mechanic - domestic
- Pressure control calibrator
- Parking meter repairwoman
- Wind instrument repairman
- Hydraulic unit repairer
- Hydraulic unit repairman
- Hydraulic unit repairwoman
- Hand tool repairman/woman
- Hand tool repairman
- Repairman, musical instruments
- Parking meter repairman
- Repairer, musical instruments
- Billiard and bowling equipment installer-repairer
- Hand tool repairwoman
- Repairman/woman, hand tools
- Repairman, hand tools
- Repairwoman, hand tools
- Pneumatic tool repairer
- Billiard and bowling equipment installer-repairman
- Parking meter repairer
- Repairman, surveying and optical instruments
- Percussion instrument repairwoman
- Repairer, percussion instruments
- Repairman, percussion instruments
- Repairwoman, percussion instruments
- Wind instrument repairer
- Vending machine repairer
- Repairwoman, musical instruments
- Pipe organ tuner and repairman
- Percussion instrument repairman
- Repairwoman, surveying and optical instruments
- Surveying and optical instrument repairer
- Surveying and optical instrument repairman
- Surveying and optical instrument repairwoman
- Musical instrument repairer
- Musical instrument repairman
- Musical instrument repairwoman
- Wind instrument repairwoman
- Repairman, archery bows - sporting goods manufacturing
- Repairer, camera
- Sports equipment repairman
- Sports equipment repairer
- Repairwoman, sports equipment
- Repairman, sports equipment
- Electric sign repairer
- Repairwoman, archery bows - sporting goods manufacturing
- Electric sign repairman
- Repairer, archery bows - sporting goods manufacturing
- Archery bow repairwoman
- Archery bow repairman
- Archery bow repairer
- Repairwoman, camera
- Calibrator, torque wrench
- Repairer, sports equipment
- Automotive maintenance equipment servicer
- Fire extinguisher repairer
- Fire extinguisher repairwoman
- Repairer, fire extinguishers
- Repairman, fire extinguishers
- Repairwoman, fire extinguishers
- Sports equipment repairwoman
- Servicer, automotive maintenance equipment
- Camera repairwoman
- Repairwoman, electric sign
- Repairman, electric sign
- Repairer, electric sign
- Bicycle repairman
- Electric sign repairwoman
- Pneumatic tool repairman
- Boat propeller repairer
- Torque wrench calibrator
- Repairman, camera
- Installer-repairman, billiard and bowling equipment
- Installer-repairer, billiard and bowling equipment
- Piano tuner
- Pipe organ tuner and repairer
- Stone saw setter
- Pipe organ tuner and repairwoman
- Airport equipment maintenance repairer
- Automobile wrecker
- Wrecker, automobile
- Gas meter tester
- Tester, gas meters
- Repairer, vending machine
- Repairman, vending machine
- Fire extinguisher repairman
- Piano action regulator
- Camera repairman
- Camera repairman/woman
- Camera repairer
- Accordion repairwoman
- Accordion repairman
- Installer-repairwoman, billiard and bowling equipment
- Piano tone regulator
- Repairwoman, vending machine
- Piano action adjuster
- Adjuster, piano action
- Servicer, fire equipment
- Fire equipment servicer
- Airport equipment maintenance repairwoman
- Airport equipment maintenance repairman
- Accordion repairer
- Repairwoman, dictaphones
- Taximeter repairer
- Repairman, neon signs
- Repairwoman, neon signs
- Dismantler, automotive
- Automotive dismantler
- Tester, musical instruments
- Musical instrument tester
- Sporting goods repairwoman
- Sporting goods repairman
- Sporting goods repairer
- Repairwoman, sporting goods
- Repairman, sporting goods
- Neon sign repairwoman
- Domestic sewing machine repairer
- Neon sign repairman
- Domestic sewing machine repairman
- Domestic sewing machine repairwoman
- Repairer, domestic sewing machines
- Repairman, domestic sewing machines
- Repairwoman, domestic sewing machines
- Salvager, machinery
- Repairman, dictaphones
- Repairer, dictaphones
- Dictaphone repairwoman
- Dictaphone repairman
- Dictaphone repairer
- Servicer, dictaphones
- Repairer, sporting goods
- Violin repairer
- Taximeter repairman
- Taximeter repairwoman
- Repairer, thermostats
- Repairman, thermostats
- Pneumatic tool repairwoman
- Thermostat repairer
- Scale repairwoman
- Thermostat repairwoman
- Pipeline valve repairer
- Pipeline valve repairman
- Pipeline valve repairwoman
- Valve repairer, pipelines
- Billiard and bowling equipment installer-repairwoman
- Valve repairwoman, pipelines
- Farebox repairman
- Violin repairman
- Violin repairwoman
- Security systems technician
- Awning and tent repairer
- Awning and tent repairman
- Awning and tent repairwoman
- Repairer, awnings and tents
- Repairman, awnings and tents
- Repairwoman, awnings and tents
- Adjuster, golf club heads
- Golf club head adjuster
- Neon sign repairer
- Valve repairman, pipelines
- Servicer, gas meters
- Safety valve repairman, pipelines
- Safety valve repairwoman, pipelines
- Bow repairer
- Bow repairman
- Bow repairwoman
- Repairer, bows - stringed instruments
- Repairman, bows - stringed instruments
- Repairwoman, bows - stringed instruments
- Piano stringer
- Piano technician
- Respirator servicer and fitter
- Respirator serviceman and fitter
- Dictaphone servicer
- Gas meter servicer
- Billiard table repairwoman
- Mechanical meter repairer
- Mechanical meter repairman
- Mechanical meter repairwoman
- Repairer, mechanical meters
- Repairman, mechanical meters
- Repairwoman, mechanical meters
- Archery bow finisher
- Billiard table repairer
- Finisher, archery bows - sporting goods manufacturing
- Parking meter servicer
- Servicer, parking meters
- Tuner-technician, piano
- Respirator servicewoman and fitter
- Surveying and optical instrument technician
- Repairwoman, thermostats
- Repairer, scaffolding
- Repairman, scaffolding
- Farebox repairer
- Scale mechanic
- Repairwoman, scaffolding
- Scaffold repairer
- Scaffold repairman
- Scaffold repairwoman
- Ski equipment repairer
- Mechanic, scales
- Ski equipment repairman
- Safety valve repairer, pipelines
- Organ tuner
- Billiard table repairman
- Technician, surveying and optical instruments
- Billiard cue weigher
- Meter servicer
- Servicer, meters
- Musical instrument tuner
- Salvage inspector, instruments
- Shaker repairer
- Shaker repairman
- Shaker repairwoman
- Sieve repairer
- Sieve repairman
- Sieve repairwoman
- Farebox repairwoman
- Ski equipment repairwoman
- Industrial belt repairman
- Guitar repairman
- Steam meter repairer
- Steam meter repairman
- Steam meter repairwoman
- Speedometer repairer
- Speedometer repairman
- Speedometer repairwoman
- Pneumatic tube repairer
- Pneumatic tube repairman
- Pneumatic tube repairwoman
- Belt repairer, industrial
- Belt repairman, industrial
- Gas meter repairman
- Industrial belt repairer
- Gas meter repairer
- Industrial belt repairwoman
- Transcribing machine servicer
- Beer-dispensing equipment repairer
- Beer-dispensing equipment repairman
- Beer-dispensing equipment repairwoman
- Repairer, beer-dispensing equipment
- Repairman, beer-dispensing equipment
- Repairwoman, beer-dispensing equipment
- Thermostat repairman
- Net repairer
- Repairwoman, oriental rugs
- Net repairwoman
- Guitar repairer
- Belt repairwoman, industrial
- Golf club repairman
- Repairer, scales
- Repairman, scales
- Repairwoman, scales
- Scale repairer
- Scale repairman
- Repairer, neon signs
- Bicycle repairer
- Piano tuner-technician
- Bicycle repairwoman
- Repairer, bicycle
- Repairman, bicycle
- Repairwoman, bicycle
- Gas meter repairwoman
- Golf club repairer
- Net repairman
- Golf club repairwoman
- Repairer, golf clubs
- Repairman, golf clubs
- Repairwoman, golf clubs
- Air compressor repairer
- Air compressor repairman
- Air compressor repairwoman
- Meter repairer
- Meter repairman
- Meter repairwoman
- Water meter repairer
- Water meter repairman
- Water meter repairwoman
- Billiard table servicer
- Repairwoman, piano
- Repairwoman, survival equipment
- Guitar repairwoman
- Survival equipment repairman
- Net mender
- Survival equipment repairwoman
- Photofinishing equipment repairer
- Photofinishing equipment repairman
- Photofinishing equipment repairwoman
- Piano repairer
- Piano repairman
- Piano repairwoman
- Repairman, survival equipment
- Repairman, piano
- Survival equipment repairer
- Spray gun repairer
- Spray gun repairman
- Spray gun repairwoman
- Air valve repairer, railway rolling stock
- Air valve repairman, railway rolling stock
- Air valve repairwoman, railway rolling stock
- Oriental rug repairer
- Oriental rug repairman
- Oriental rug repairwoman
- Repairer, oriental rugs
- Repairman, oriental rugs
- Repairer, piano
- Sewing machine serviceman - domestic
- Repairer, survival equipment
- Electric toy repairer
- Electric toy repairman
- Electric toy repairwoman
- Adding machine repairer
- Gyroscope repairman
- Sewing machine servicer - domestic
- Adding machine repairman
- Sewing machine servicewoman - domestic
- Fire equipment repairer
- Fire equipment repairman
- Gyroscope repairman/woman
- Fire equipment repairwoman
- Gyroscope repairwoman
- Gyroscope repairer
- Adding machine repairwoman