Eligible programs
Alternatives titles
- Express service handler (except air transport)
- Loader, freight (except air transport)
- Freight loader (except air transport)
- Handler, freight (except air transport)
- Freight handler (except air transport)
- Freight car unloader
- Freight car loader
- Operator, forklift truck
- Cement loader and sacker
- Operator, forklift
- Forklift operator
- Explosives packer
- Fats and oils loader
- Loader, fats and oils
- Freight unloader (except air transport)
- Feed mill loader
- Grain handler
- Forklift truck operator
- Handler, grain
- Lift truck operator
- Pallet truck operator
- Operator, pallet truck
- Material handler
- Handler, materials
- Operator, hand truck
- Hand truck operator
- Grain conveyor operator
- Box bander
- Furniture loader-unloader
- Bin attendant
- Operator, grain conveyor
- Handler, explosives
- Conveyor operator, grain
- Unloader, glass cut-off machine
- Glass cut-off machine unloader
- Furniture mover
- Loader-unloader, furniture
- Hand packager
- Operator, conveyor - material handling (except underground mines)
- Bin filler
- Operator, coal-moving equipment
- Operator, reach truck
- Reach truck operator
- Conveyor belt operator (except underground mines)
- Operator, conveyor belt (except underground mines)
- Conveyor console operator
- Coal conveyor operator
- Conveyor operator - material handling (except underground mines)
- Coal wheeler
- Operator, lift truck
- Shingle piler - material handling
- Conveyor tender - material handling (except underground mines)
- Tender, conveyor - material handling (except underground mines)
- Conveyor belt patroller-controller
- Dockman/woman - truck transport
- Disposal worker - warehouse
- Lift driver
- Automatic pallet equipment operator
- Stacking machine operator - material handling
- Electric truck operator
- Electric mule operator
- Electric dolly operator
- Dumper - material handling
- Binman/woman
- Cribber - grain elevator
- Coal-moving equipment operator
- Bandoleer packer - explosives manufacturing
- Explosives handler
- Automated storage and retrieval system operator
- Ash handler
- Loader, ready-mix trucks
- Ready-mix truck loader
- Coal conveyor operator - surface mining
- Coal dumper
- Coal handler
- Beltman/woman
- Dumper - surface coal mining
- Storage worker - material handling
- Yard attendant, used building materials
- Used building materials yard attendant
- Attendant, used building materials yard
- Van loader
- Weigher, truck loads
- Truck load weigher
- Truck loader
- Loader, trucks
- Bundler, hand
- Tipman/woman - surface coal mining
- Hand bundler
- Tier lift truck operator
- Operator, tier lift truck
- Tank truck loader
- Loader, tank trucks
- Straddle truck operator
- Straddle carrier operator
- Operator, straddle truck
- Operator, straddle carrier
- Handler, recycled paper
- Tow motor driver (except air transport)
- Pole stacker operator
- Grain weigher
- Stacker - material handling
- Piler - material handling
- Conveyor belt attendant
- Belt conveyor attendant
- Loader-unloader - material handling
- Coal loader-unloader
- Stock helper
- Helper, stock
- Packer - material handling
- Helper, warehouse keeper
- Warehouseperson
- Pallet lift operator
- Operator, pallet lift
- Piler (except processing)
- Household goods mover
- Box filler
- Sack packer, hand - material handling
- Hand sacker - material handling
- Hand packer, sacks - material handling
- Hand bagger - material handling
- Warehouse keeper helper
- Loader-unloader, liquids
- Warehouse worker - material handling
- Mobilift operator
- Light materials handler
- Handler, light materials
- Heavy materials handler
- Handler, heavy materials
- Malthouse worker
- Lumber unloader - material handling
- Lumber stocker - material handling
- Pallet loader operator
- Lumber handler - building supplies
- Palletizer operator
- Carrier operator, bulk materials
- Lift scoop operator
- Bucket elevator operator
- Lift jack operator
- Jack lift operator
- Labourer - warehousing and storage
- Labourer - material handling
- Jitney driver - material handling
- Supermarket jigger operator
- Lumber piler - building supplies
- Skidder - fruit packing
- Warehouseman/woman
- Storage man/woman
- Stockpiler
- Stock-keeper helper
- Helper, stock-keeper
- Material handler - manufacturing and warehousing
- Handler, materials - manufacturing and warehousing
- Tender, stacking machine - material handling
- Stacking machine tender - material handling
- Munitions handler
- Operator, stacker - material handling
- Jigger operator, supermarket
- Shipment assembler
- Bulk materials carrier operator
- Recycled paper handler
- Boxcar loader
- Power truck driver - material handling
- Pole distributor operator
- Pick-up machine operator
- Industrial truck operator
- Package lift operator
- Stacker operator - material handling
- Liquids loader-unloader
- Bulk materials loader operator
- Loader operator, bulk materials
- Bulk materials unloader
- Car loader, railway
- Loader, railway car
- Railway car loader
- Paper wrapper - material handling
- Wrapper, paper - material handling
- Tipman - surface coal mining
- Beltwoman
- Beltman
- Binwoman
- Binman
- Dockwoman - truck transport
- Dockman - truck transport
- Storage woman
- Storage man
- Warehousewoman
- Tipwoman - surface coal mining
- Warehouseman