8222 - Contractors and supervisors, oil and gas drilling and services

NOC Skill Level B
Alternatives titles
  • Oilfield consultant - well servicing
  • Consultant - oil drilling
  • Oilfield consultant supervisor
  • Oilfield consultant - well testing
  • Oilfield consultant
  • Oilfield consultant - rig moving
  • Oilfield consultant - well completions
  • Directional drilling consultant - oil and gas
  • Well site consultant - oil and gas
  • Oil and gas contractor
  • Consultant - gas well drilling
  • Well services crew supervisor
  • Toolpusher
  • Rig manager
  • Fracturing supervisor
  • Oilfield consultant - construction and reclamation
  • Oilfield contractor
  • Offshore drilling rig superintendent
  • Assistant superintendent, offshore drilling rig
  • Assistant platform superintendent
  • Assistant toolpusher - offshore drilling rig
  • Field supervisor, oil well servicing
  • Oil well services field supervisor
  • Foreman/woman, oil and gas well drilling
  • Foreman/woman, oil and natural gas well servicing
  • Assistant offshore drilling rig superintendent
  • Multi-service operator - oil field services
  • Oil and gas drilling foreman/woman
  • Platform superintendent - oil and gas drilling
  • Rig manager - oil and gas drilling
  • Supervisor, well services crew - oil field services
  • Well services crew supervisor - oil field services
  • Toolpusher - oil and gas well
  • Toolpusher - offshore drilling rig
  • Well services crew supervisor - oil and gas drilling
  • Wireline field supervisor - oil field services
  • Fracturing supervisor - oil field services
  • Oil and natural gas well servicing foreman/woman
  • Forewoman, oil and natural gas well servicing
  • Forewoman, oil and gas well drilling
  • Foreman, oil and gas well drilling
  • Foreman, oil and natural gas well servicing
  • Oil and natural gas well servicing forewoman
  • Oil and natural gas well servicing foreman
  • Oil and gas drilling foreman
  • Oil and gas drilling forewoman


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