Eligible programs
Alternatives titles
- Oil movement coordinator
- Gas processing controller
- Gas control operator
- Process control system operator
- Gas controller
- Gas control coordinator
- Treater, petroleum
- Nitroglycerine separator operator
- Nitroglycerine maker
- Glycerine refiner
- Caustic cell operator
- Processing operator - chemical processing
- Petroleum refinery operator
- Bitumen upgrading plant operator
- Petroleum unit operator
- Power switchboard operator - chemical
- Petroleum refiner
- Oil refiner
- Refinery operator
- Operator, refinery
- Chemical roaster
- Operator, petroleum refinery
- Oil controller
- Petroleum process operator
- Wet explosives mixer
- Brine purification operator
- Polymerization kettle operator
- Pumping station operator
- Pump station operator - pipelines
- Operator, control panel - chemical processing
- Dispatcher, gas
- Coal tar distiller
- Controller - oil
- Oil dispatcher
- Dispatcher, oil
- Boardman/woman - chemical processing
- Operator, power switchboard - chemical processing
- Control panel operator - chemical processing
- Gas dispatcher
- Distillation operator
- Gas field operator
- Chief technician, chemical processing
- Chlorination plant operator
- Operator, chlorination plant
- Chlorine plant operator
- Coal gas exhaust operator
- Column operator - chemical processing
- Compressor operator, gas processing
- Compressor operator, natural gas
- Controller, oil movement
- Oil movement controller
- Cracking plant operator
- Desulphurizer operator
- Chief operator, continuous process
- Operator, filter - petroleum, gas and chemical processing
- Operations technician - chemical processing
- Senior operating technician
- Processing laboratory operator
- Treater, fuel gas
- Fuel gas treater
- Operator, desulphurizing unit
- Fractionator operator
- Dissolver-precipitator
- Filter operator - petroleum, gas and chemical processing
- Fertilizer maker, phosphate process
- Explosives senior operator
- Distillation operator, petroleum
- Operator, distillation equipment
- Chief operator, batching process
- Operator, fractionator - petroleum
- Operator, panel - chemical processing
- Absorption operator
- Absorption plant operator
- Acid mixer operator
- Acid plant operator
- Alkylation chief operator
- Alkylation operator
- Alkylation tower tender
- Alum-liquor plant operator
- Ammonia plant operator
- Antibiotics fermenter
- Assistant operator - chemical processing
- Benzol agitator operator
- Bitumen extraction plant operator
- Chief operator, synthesis
- Cell room operator, chlor-alkali plant
- Chief operator - chemical processing
- Rotary furnace tender - chemical processing
- Operator, chemical process unit
- Chemical process unit operator
- Operator, chemical process
- Blender, petroleum
- Batching chemical process operator
- Oil blender
- Gasoline catalyst operator
- Catalyst operator, gasoline
- Burner operator - petroleum
- Brine equipment tender
- Panel operator - chemical processing
- Upgrader process operator - petroleum
- Chemical process operator
- Technician, process - chemical processing
- Master operator - chemical processing
- Oxygen recovery plant operator
- Operator, pharmaceutical processing
- Pharmaceutical processing operator
- Pilot plant tender
- Tender, pilot plant
- Compressor station operator - pipelines
- Operator, compressor station - pipelines
- Pipeline compressor station operator
- Gauger, pipelines
- Pipeline gauger
- Operator, polymerization unit
- Polymerization unit operator
- Operator, nitric acid oxidation plant
- Propellant blender
- Thermal acid equipment operator
- Tank farm operator
- Sulphuric acid plant operator
- Sterile products processor - chemical processing
- Processor, sterile products - chemical processing
- Process technician
- Operator, purification - chemical processing
- Process technician - chemical processing
- Blender, propellants
- Production operator - chemical processing
- Operator, production - chemical processing
- Technician, refinery process
- Refinery process technician
- Nitric acid oxidation plant operator
- Purification operator - chemical processing
- Hydrogen process plant operator
- Oil refinery process operator
- Oil pipeline operator
- Oil field production operator
- Gas pipeline operator
- Gas field production operator
- Catalytic cracking unit operator
- Gas liquefaction and regasification plant operator
- Gas plant operator
- Gas pressure regulator
- Gas recovery operator
- Gas-treating unit operator
- Gauger, oil
- Operator, oxygen recovery plant
- Grease maker
- Nitroglycerine nitrator operator
- Operator, heavy water chemical process
- Heavy water chemical process operator
- Operator, catalytic conversion
- Operating technician - chemical processing
- Operator, petroleum process
- Glycerine refinery operator
- Nitroglycerine separator
- Mixer, wet explosives
- Nitrocellulose maker
- Naphthalene clarifier
- Operator, liquefaction plant
- Liquefaction plant operator
- Senior operator - chemical processing
- Lead operator - chemical processing
- Oil field pumper
- Boardwoman - chemical processing
- Boardman - chemical processing