Eligible programs
Alternatives titles
- Plodder operator
- Phosphoric acid extractor
- Linoleum oil oxidizer
- Operator, packaging machine - chemical processing
- Packaging machine operator - chemical processing
- Paint maker
- Mixer, paints - chemical processing
- Paint mixer
- Paradichlorobenzene equipment tender
- Pelletizer, plastics
- Plastics pelletizer
- Perfume maker
- Pesticide mixer
- Saturating machine tender - chemical processing
- Phenol plant extractor operator
- Wet mix operator, orthophosphate
- Powder blender
- Precipitator operator - chemical processing
- Colour mixer, prints - chemical processing
- Print colour mixer
- Pulverizing and sifting equipment tender - chemical processing
- Reagent mixer - cellulose film manufacturing
- Recausticizer
- Tender, recausticizer
- Recovery equipment operator - chemical processing
- Recovery vat tender
- Ring furnace operator
- Tender, saturating machine - chemical processing
- Extractor operator, phenol
- Extractor operator, phosphoric acid
- Mill roll tester - chemical processing
- Mill tender - chemical processing
- Mixer - chemical processing
- Mixer helper, wallpaper colours
- Operator, mixer - chemical processing
- Carbon paste mixer operator
- Mixer tender - chemical processing
- Fertilizer mixer
- Mixer, viscose
- Viscose solution mixer
- Moulder - chemical processing
- Neutralizer
- Oven operator, electrodes
- Nitrocellulose screener and weigher
- Electrode oven operator
- Acetylene plant attendant
- Dryer tender, nitrocellulose
- Nitrocellulose dryer tender
- Tender, nitrocellulose dryer
- Screener and weigher, nitrocellulose
- Neutralizer, nitroglycerine
- Nitroglycerine neutralizer
- Odorization technician - chemical processing
- Operator, tital liquor plant
- Operator, orthophosphate wet mix
- Orthophosphate wet mix operator
- Sealant operator - chemical processing
- Nitrocellulose finisher
- Soap maker
- Sulphonator
- Operator, sulphonator - chemical processing
- Still tender
- Spray dryer tender - chemical processing
- Splash line tender
- Spinneret pack preparer - chemical processing
- Solution mixer - chemical processing
- Solution maker, soda
- Soda solution maker
- Soda dialyzer
- Soap flake dryer operator
- Ring furnace operator helper
- Dryer operator, soap flakes
- Moulder and compressor, toiletries - chemical processing
- Soap cutter and stamper
- Soap chipper
- Soap boiler
- Slabber
- Shredding machine tender - chemical processing
- Settler-filterer - chemical processing
- Separation press tender
- Screener-perfumer, detergents and powdered soaps
- Detergent and powdered soap screener-perfumer
- Screener - chemical processing
- Scratcher tender
- Saturator operator
- Operator, soap flake dryer
- Cellulose film wet-end tender
- Distiller operator - soda ash processing
- Soda solution mixer
- Mixer, soda solutions
- Viscose maker
- Battery paste maker
- Compounder - chemical processing
- Solvent recovery tender - chemical processing
- Insecticide mixer
- Explosives mixer tender
- Explosive primers dryhouse tender - chemical processing
- Dryhouse tender, explosive primers - chemical processing
- Dryer tender - chemical processing
- Textile treatment solution mixer
- Wet-end tender, cellulose films
- Tinter - chemical processing
- Weigher - chemical processing
- Wax bleacher
- Washer and dryer - chemical processing
- Wash-house and recovery operator
- Operator, wash-house and recovery equipment - chemical processing
- Viscose filter operator
- Vinyl and asbestos-blending machine tender
- Varnish maker
- Tracer powder blender
- Tower operator - soap
- Toiletries moulder and compressor
- Loading inspector - chemical processing
- White lead mixer
- Chiller tender - chemical processing
- Operator, grinder - chemical processing
- Carbon black pelletizer
- Cellulose film caster - chemical processing
- Cellulose film rewinder
- Centrifugal separator tender - chemical processing
- Centrifuge tender - chemical processing
- Charcoal burner
- Chemical operator, chemical-processing
- Chemical plant machine operator
- Operator, chemical plant
- Operator, chemical processing machine
- Mercury recoverer - chemical processing
- Chiller operator - chemical processing
- Capsule machine operator
- Cleaning compounds mixer
- Asphalt coater - chemical processing
- Coater, asphalt
- Coating compounds mixer - chemical processing
- Mixer, coating compounds - chemical processing
- Coating machine tender - chemical processing
- Coatings mixer - chemical processing
- Mixer, coatings - chemical processing
- Coke by-products pump operator - chemical processing
- Pump operator, coke by-products - chemical processing
- Colour grinder tender - chemical processing
- Colour matcher - chemical processing
- Pulverizer and sifter tender - chemical processing
- Battery acid adjuster
- Acid pumper - chemical processing
- Acidulation plant tender
- Asphalt heater tender
- Asphalt plant dryer tender
- Dryer tender, asphalt plant
- Asphalt roofing material mixer
- Mixer, asphalt roofing materials
- Asphalt roofing materials inspector
- Inspector, asphalt roofing materials
- Autoclave operator - chemical processing
- Backing-in machine tender
- Batch mixer - chemical processing
- Grinder tender - chemical processing
- Operator, batch still
- Capsule machine operator - chemical processing
- Battery paste mixer
- Mixer, battery paste
- Black powder grainer and glazier tender
- Black powder press tender
- Bleacher, oils
- Bleaching solution maker
- Blender - chemical processing
- Blender operator - chemical processing
- Cadmium liquor maker
- Calciner tender
- Capsule filler - chemical processing
- Composition mixer - chemical processing
- Batch still operator
- Hydrator operator
- Colour weigher and mixer
- Filter press tender - chemical processing
- Flaker tender - chemical processing
- Formulations blender operator
- Formulations blender operator - chemical processing
- Formulation blender operator, pesticides
- Furnace cooler
- Fuse maker - chemical processing
- Blender, glues - chemical processing
- Glue blender
- Graining press operator - chemical processing
- Mixer, explosives
- Granulator machine operator - chemical processing
- Explosives mixer
- Ink matcher
- Ink purifier
- Inspector, vinyl fabrics
- Vinyl fabrics inspector
- Kettle operator - chemical processing
- Kettle tender - chemical processing
- Lacquer maker
- Latex coagulation operator
- Lead oxide maker - chemical processing
- Lead oxide mill tender - chemical processing
- Light-oil extractor operator
- Liquid mixer, photographic chemicals
- Granulator machine operator
- Distiller, wood distillation and charcoal
- Match head maker
- Coating machine operator - chemical processing
- Compounder, latex
- Latex compounder
- Cooker - chemical processing
- Cosmetics and perfume maker
- Crusher tender - chemical processing
- Crutcher operator - chemical processing
- Crystallizer tender - chemical processing
- Dehydrating press tender - chemical processing
- Press tender, dehydrating - chemical processing
- Fibreglass binder mixer
- Digester operator - chemical processing
- Dry explosive mixer
- Evaporator operator - chemical processing
- Dye maker
- Dry ice maker
- Explosive primers dryhouse attendant - chemical processing
- Devulcanizer tender
- Mixer, dry explosives
- Weigher and mixer, colorants - chemical processing
- Dry-end tender, cellulose films
- Cellulose film dry-end tender
- Liquefied gas drum filler
- Drum filler, liquefied gases
- Drug and toilet goods weigher
- Dryer operator - chemical processing
- Dryhouse attendant - chemical processing