Eligible programs
Alternatives titles
- Swatch checker - textiles
- Colour grader - textiles
- Yarn tester
- Yarn and spun yarn inspector
- Yarn examiner
- Wool grader
- Weaving inspector
- Warp tension tester - textiles
- Yarn inspector
- Thread inspector - textiles
- Textile tester
- Textile shader
- Textile sampler
- Textile products inspector
- Roving weight gauger - textiles
- Sample preparer - textiles
- Perch operator
- Perch operator - textiles
- Percher - textiles
- Preshrinking process tester - textiles
- Quality control inspector - textiles
- Textile inspector
- Quality controller - textiles
- Textile grader
- Sampler - textiles
- Shade matcher - textiles
- Skein yarn examiner - textiles
- Stocking inspector
- Sample checker - textiles
- Textile product sampler
- Quality control tester - textiles
- Shirt inspector
- Cloth measurer
- Hide inspector
- Leather inspector
- Leather sorter
- Sorter, leather
- Leather stock inspector
- Leather tanneries inspector
- Parachute inspector - fabric products manufacturing
- Hide grader
- Pelt grader - hide and pelt processing
- Leather glove examiner
- Shoe inspector
- Cushion and furniture-coverings manufacturing inspector
- Jacket manufacturing inspector
- Garment manufacturing inspector
- Pelt processing inspector
- Carpet inspector
- Cloth examiner
- Cloth grader
- Wool fleece grader
- Pelt grader
- Glove and mitten examiner
- Cloth sampler
- Foundation garments inspector
- Inspector, foundation garments
- Fur grader
- Fur matcher - fur products manufacturing
- Fur sorter
- Fur sorter, hats
- Hat fur sorter
- Leather grader
- Inspector, garment
- Fitting room inspector - fabric products manufacturing
- Hat inspector
- Hide and pelt processing inspector
- Hide sorter
- Inspector - fabric products manufacturing
- Inspector - fur products manufacturing
- Inspector, leather goods
- Leather goods inspector
- Inspector-grader, seconds
- Seconds inspector-grader
- Garment inspector
- Inspector, knitting
- Cloth inspector
- Grader - textiles
- Grader, hosiery
- Hosiery grader
- Greige-cloth examiner
- Hosiery inspector
- Hosiery pairer
- Hosiery sizer
- Fibre inspector - textiles
- Inspector - textiles
- Fibre grader - textiles
- Knitting inspector
- Inspector, loom
- Loom inspector
- Inspector, trimming material
- Trimming material inspector
- Knitted fabric inspector
- Narrow fabric examiner
- Fabric sampler
- Inspecting machine tender - textiles
- Blue-leather grader
- Garment final inspector
- Final inspector, garments
- Draper
- Cushion and cover inspector
- Clothing inspector
- Canvas goods inspector
- Sorter, boot and shoe
- Boot and shoe sorter
- Boot and shoe inspector
- Finishing inspector - textiles
- Boot and shoe grader
- Fabric manufacturing inspector
- Cloth-measuring machine tender
- Cloth sorter
- Cloth tester
- Colour matcher - textiles
- Fabric examiner
- Fabric grader
- Grader, fabric
- Fabric inspector
- Fibre examiner - textiles