Overview of analytical reports forConsolidated Visa Tracker - SC190
Analyze the trends, see aggregated statistics, dig deeper into data with state of the art reporting and analysis toolsVisa grants by period
Visa grants by period report(Views: 173056)
Statuses by month of submission
This report shows the share of statuses by application period(Views: 50243)
Estimate your grant date
Days to visa grant report(Views: 43890)
Case officer contacts by period
CO contacts by period report(Views: 16284)
Average time to a grant based on anzsco
Average time to a grant based on anzsco report(Views: 14397)
Estimate your grant date after case officer contact
How long does it usually take to get a grant after CO contacts you(Views: 13031)
Estimate your CO contact date
How long does it take for a CO to get in touch(Views: 10752)
Visa lodged by period
Visa lodged by period report(Views: 7678)